Elephant at Following Giants in Koh Lanta, Thailand

Global reviews

About us

Take a look at how, with the help of supporters like you, we have moved the world to protect animals year on year

Read our Global Review 2023 to see how you helped us:

  • To improve the lives of over 1.3 million farmed animals in South East Asia thanks to our Investing in Others project funded by Open Philanthropy.
  • To expose the terrible suffering of dairy cows farmed in Canada who are ill, injured or unable to produce milk, with more than 500,000 sent for slaughter annually on journeys that can last 82 hours.
  • To encourage 160 travel companies to stop profiting from cruel wildlife entertainment because of our campaigning since 2015.
  • To inspire global Italian restaurant group, Vapiano, which has more than 150 restaurants globally including 56 in Europe, to sign up to the Better Chicken Commitment. Their decision will improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of chickens in their supply chain.
  • To continue the expert care of 70 bears saved from the brutality of bear baiting and dancing thanks to your support of the Balkasar Bear Sanctuary in Pakistan.
  • To convince Melbourne Fashion Week to become the 1st Fashion Week worldwide to ban clothing featuring wild bird feathers, in partnership with Collective Fashion Justice.
A rescued pig at Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, New York, USA

Global Review 2023

Facing our global crisis. Together.

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